Hello and welcome to the home site of the Sounds of Harmony Chorus! Based in Belleville, Illinois, we are a vibrant men’s acapella ensemble deeply rooted in the tradition of barbershop harmony. Proudly associated with the Barbershop Harmony Society, we showcase a diverse repertoire that spans the spectrum and bridges classic barbershop melodies with contemporary tunes, all intricately woven into the tapestry of acapella, all delivered with the richness of 4-part harmony. Take your time to navigate through our website, where you’ll unravel the captivating chapters of our musical odyssey.

Contact Us

Interested in hiring us? We have multiple options, including not only the chorus, but an 8-man ensemble and 4-man quartet!

Go ahead and fill out the form below with your name, email, and a detailed message of what you are requesting, and we will do our “parts” to make it happen!

Our email: contact@soundsofharmony.org

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